Baltimore Orioles Top 5 All-Time Leaders in Batting Average
By Ben Palmer

The Baltimore Orioles have had plenty of great hitters in their long history. Here, we’ll take a look at the top five all-time leaders in batting average.
The Baltimore Orioles have had plenty of great hitters in their long history. Lately, the team’s strength has been in the power department and less in batting average, but here we’re going to take a look at the top five all-time leaders in Baltimore Orioles’ history in career batting average.
A couple things to mention before we get started. First, this is the players’ career batting average with the Baltimore Orioles. They may have come from another team or left and gone to another team and had a different batting average there, but this is just specifically their time with the Baltimore Orioles.
Second, I did not include anyone from the days of the St. Louis Browns. I’m only including Baltimore Orioles players, so players who have been with the team since it’s creation in 1954.
Had I included Browns players, we’d be talking about the likes of Heinie Manush, George Sisler, Ken Williams, and Baby Doll Jacobson. But this list only includes members of the Baltimore Orioles.
So without further ado, here are the Baltimore Orioles’ top five all-time leaders in career batting average.