Hagerstown Turkey Trot Tradition Continues

The Hagerstown Turkey Trot really is a family affair for so many families.
Pictured is the Hammerbeck family of Hagerstown. Chris ran in the 5K race with his daughter and oldest son, while the youngest son was in the mashed potatoes race. Mom, Sandra, held all the gear.
The Hammerbeck family of Hagerstown … photo by the author
For most of us, our dog is part of the family. So dozens of canines were a part of the race, including “Brooks” with owner Karen Folk; and Bruno and Yeager are pictured with the Costa family, who are fully in the spirit of the holiday.
photos by author
The Turkey Trot is a reunion event for many, such as this group of former Williamsport High School runners. The winner of the race – Meggan Grams – ran for WHS her first two years of high school before finishing at Boonsboro.
Former Williamsport High School Runners – all coached by the author.
Race winners Evan Hardy and Meggan Grams … of Lehigh University and Eastern Kentucky …
2015 Hagerstown Turkey Trot winners: Evan Hardy and Meggan Grams
Evan Hardy and Naseem Haje are lapping the field on their way to the finish …
Evan Hardy (right) and Naseem Haje (left) lap the field at the 2015 HCC Turkey Trot. Photo by author
It was a furious sprint at the end that gained the course record for Meggan Grams. The race finishes inside the HCC’s field house on the indoor track.
Meggan Grams in final sprint to the finish in the 2015 HCC Turkey Trot. Photo by author
On Thanksgiving Day, the event means more to some than simply running a race. A year ago, Tim Thorpe was fighting for his life in a battle against throat cancer. He is back to running again – not as fast as the past – but he is alive by God’s grace. It was a good day!
Photo by author
Next: Turkey Trot history and winners